Antenatal Advice

Antenatal Advice

The following advices can be given to the pregnant women.

  1. REST and SLEEP:-The pregnant women can do her usual activities throughout the pregnancy.Only excessive and strenuous work should be avoided in the first trimester and the last 4 week.She should take sleep and rest for 10 hours(8 hours at night and 2 hour at noon) more so in the last 6 weeks.During last trimester, mother should lie at lateral posture to avoid supine hypotension.
  2. EXERCISE:-In the absence of either medical or obstetric complications,30 minutes or more of moderate exercise per day on most if not all days of the week is recommended for pregnant women.Given the specific physical needs of women during pregnancy,a tailored and specializedyoga protocol that uses a variety of elements of a yoga practice is best indicated.
  3. AVOID HARMFUL CHEMICALS AND TOXIN:-Stay away from pesticides.To get rid of pesticides sprayed on fruits and vegetables,soak them in salt water, before cutting or peeling,for some time.Rinse well and throw the water.Do not use mosquito coils in closed rooms, instead use mosquito nets.
  4. BOWEL:-Constipation is common.Mother should take plenty of liquid,vegetables,milk or stool softeners when needed at night.
  5. BATH:-She should bath daily.
  6. CLOTHING:-She should wear loose and comfortable clothing.No high heel shoes and no constricting belt should be used.
  7. ORAL HEALTH:-Proper dental and oral hygiene should be maintained.Any dental issues such as extraction or filling of the caries tooth better to be done in second trimester.
  8. CARE OF BREASTS:-A well-fitting bra can give relief of engorged breast during late pregnancy.
  9. COITUS:-Generally sex is not restricted during pregnancy.However women with increased risk of miscarriage or preterm labour should avoid sex.
  10. TRAVELLING :-Jerky travelling is best avoided.Railway journey is better than bus.Air travelling is safe upto 36 week of gestation age and is best avoided in case of placenta previa, per-eclampsia, severe anemiaand sickle disease.Prolonged sitting will have risk of thromboembolism and venous stasis.Seat belt should be under the abdomen on the hipbone.
  11. SMOKING, ALCOHOL AND NARCOTIC DRUGS:-They cause low birth weight babies ,fetal maldevelopment ,Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and still birth.
  12. PROTECT YOURSELF FROM INFECTION:-Mother should wash hands frequently with soap and water especially before cooking and eating and after using toilet.She should avoid people who are sick.
  13. EMOTIONAL HEALTH:-Stress of any kind can cause anxiety,sadness,loneliness in mother.Family should create a positive and safe home environment.Say NO to domestic violence.
  14. BREAST FEEDING:- The mother must be physically and emotionally prepared for breastfeeding during the antenatal visits.Any problems of retracted or cracked nipple must be managed before the baby is born.