Minor Developmental Problems in Newborn

Minor Developmental Problems in Newborn

  1. PEELING OF SKIN:-It is common in some full term and post term babies.Application of coconut is sufficient.
  2. MONGOLIAN SPOTS:-These are bluish in colour, mostly present over the sacral, buttock and trunk region.They disappear of its own in due course in time.
  3. ERYTHEMA TOXICUM:-These are discrete reddish rash spread all over the body appearing on second and third day of life .They disappeared its own in 2-3 days.
  4. MILIA:- Yellowish -white spots on the face may be seen which disappear of its own spontaneously.
  5. STROKE-BITES/SALMON PATCHES:-These are pinkish capillary hemangiomata commonly seen above the neck, forehead ,root of the nose , upper eyelid, nape of the neck.They subside of their own.
  6. SUBCONJUNCTIVALHEMORRHAGES:- They are absorbed within few days.
  7. TONGUE TIE:-The tongue can’t be protruded beyond the lip margins.It may affect the speech clarity but doesn’t delay the speech development.It can be corrected after one year of life…..
  8. EPSTEIN PEARLS:-These are seen at palatal and prepucial region as a white spot.No treatment is required.
  9. CUTIS MARMORATA:-It is momentary lacy network like red or blue coloured marbled vascular pattern over the limbs generally in low environmental temperature.It is due to response of body to cold and disappear as the body grows.
  10. NATAL TEETH:-They may be present at birth or may erupt shortly thereafter in the lower incisor.They should be removed if loose or if causing injury to breasts.
  11. HYMENAL TAGS:-They are small pink colour mucosal tag at the edge of hymen 1-3 in number.These are normal structural variabilities.
  12. NON-RETRACTABLE PREPUCE:-It is physiological phimosis.The urethral opening is pin-point.No need to retract it.
  13. CONGENITAL HYDROCELE:-It disappears spontaneously in first three months of life.If not resolved consult surgeon.
  14. PROMINENT XIPHISTERNUM:-The xiphisternum cartilage may be prominent in newborn and non-significant.
  15. UMBILICAL HERNIA:-It is due to divarication of abdominal muscle.They disappear spontaneously in due coarse of time by 3rd year.